This is the B&B I stayed in at Oban. My room was the one to the left of the door. I was thankful to get a ground floor room so I didn't have to carry my case up the narrow stairs. The house overrlooked the bay and port area. Quiet pleasant really, if it wasn't for the rain. The seafood was excellent here, very fresh.
The British Labor Party was having a conference here later in the week. I wasn't tempted to stay: politicians sound the same wherever they are.
There were some good places to explore here but because of the rain I didn't.

This is the pass at Glencoe where everyone stops to take a photo. The mountains range up on each side and the valley floor is about 700 metres wide. Once again, it is much bigger than it looks in the photo. Out here there is very little in the way of habitation. There was a hotel a couple of kilometres back and obviously about 1000 people who live in Glencoe itself. When you are here you tend to absorb the isolation and the wild nature of the place. It is a place where a number of people go walking but you would be really exposed to the elements and there is not much protection anywhere, as everything is so open.

This is more of the same really.