Saturday, September 25, 2010

Getting Ready

Here is my first blog. It is the beginning of my trip to France and the UK. Flying Solo is a little pretentious for a blog title but it is somewhat true. Like all trips this will be a time of self discovery, the first time that I have travelled without Vera and so this will be unlike anything that I have done before that I can remember. It will be a different self who leaves on Thursday, not like I once was and not like I imagined I would be. If life is like a journey where we are continually 'becoming' then I wonder what this journey will mean to the person that I will be in the future.

I started packing today. I have to work out what baggage to take and what I need to leave behind. I hope I make the right choices. We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ian
    I cannot remember my password,thst will teach me to make it complicated. So,I will have to go through the long way each time to check your blog.
    Happy travels!
