Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I've taken some interesting photos in the last two days. The first three were from yesterday after a snowfall during the night. I was interested in the patterns that the snow made on the tree branches and how the landscapre colours were reduced to white (obviously), black and the brown of the leaves. The last two were of the sunrise this morning. I had to work hard for these photos as it was minus 20 degrees and my fingers were frozen within 20 minutes, despite my gloves. I've taken some pleasing photos in Canada and can't wait to work on them when I get home.

The patterns in this photograph are almost abstract. This is one of the themes I like in my work.

Another set of abstract patterns.

Here comes the sun. At last, it was freezing.

Another view of the sunrise in monochrome.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Ian, You're suffering freezing fingers & we've had 40 degree heat!
    Your abstract snow & sunrise photos are gorgeous - you should win prizes with these.
    Off to Melb for 6 days to visit friends, see movies & try some new restaurants.
    Stay warm!
